Unbleached and All Purpose

Extraneous-Thought Colander from the Hedonistic Existentialist with the Cotton Candy Brain

Sunday, December 05, 2004

semi colon chemicals and other malfunctions of the human body

I baked chocolate chip cookies by myself today. Practicing for when I end up giving them out for the culmination of the Season of Greed and Grouch and oh, yeah Giving. Did a damn good job if I might say so myself. After the third batch I learned how to make them into shapes/textures that could be classified in sections other than "floppy cookie goop". If cookies have sections in which to be classified.

Anyway, now I feel accomplished. I think the world will be okay now.

Random thoughts of the day:

*Little R: "Now, Becca, I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, but blahblah about the highlighters and blahblah about the white out and blahblah about the blue & black pens."

MyThoughts: OCD can be debilitating. If only we were that lucky.

*Lesson Learned: Having a good sense of humor is a GREAT thing. It's even better when you use it.

*Finding cups of water everywhere today. What could THIS mean? Either I am imagining things or someone with Alzheimer's is very thirsty.

*Walking Talking Slime now works here. Interesting to find that though it has no actual spine it can stand up straight.


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