Okay, so is it wrong that I want one of those buddy/pal thingies that is like a palm pilot but connects you to the internet SOLEY so that I can go browse the internet while on the pooper?
Apparently yesterday was just one of those days where everything that happens affects you to the subconscious point where you'll be dreaming about it all night. Nothing big or bad or great happened. I don't know if it's a state of mind I get in or what, but it happens every month just about the time I go postal. Doesn't matter what I do in the day, I dream about it.
So I had a dream last night that I was making buttons with a button making machine and it got taken away before I could think of anything cool to make. Well I got pissed and ran out there (out where? I don't know but I do, therefore it was "out there" ) screaming, but couldn't find the culprit (Little R).
Then I was outside and this HUGE lady with a red wig was yelling at me to get off the pedestal because Billie Jean was playing in the background (incidentally the song is what reminded me of this whole dream) and she said it was because I was standing there. I was mad at her because I KNEW that it wasn't my fault. So I got off and sure enough the music was still playing. So we started yelling at God (which is funny because I'm more agnostic than anything) to "please stop the bad man's music."
Okay. Not done.
I also dreamed of work and answering phones for the travel agents who had moved to the other side of the building (because we're expanding in RL) even though it technically wasn't ready. In fact, it still looked like it does now. Like a construction zone.
I wasn't the actually receptionist anymore, I was the office manager, but I was doing her job which I guess made it still sort of mine. I was running around frenetic like. And the receptionist next door came out of the bathroom and was telling me some rumor that was about me. It was an insult but also a complement.
I just don't remember what she said.
The damned phone calls kept waking me up (in RL) and when they finally stopped (in the dream) a large rabbit with a rat's face started chasing me. When I got away it was to smoke a cigarette which was made of candy. I don't smoke. I dumped it in this water bottle, or so I thought. When I looked down there was a fucking huge toad sitting there with a mouth the size of a punch bowl. I got really scared and he started chasing me.
When I turned around there was this pair of scissors chasing me instead and they were bigger than a car.
I woke up to my dog's jowls on my face.
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