Unbleached and All Purpose

Extraneous-Thought Colander from the Hedonistic Existentialist with the Cotton Candy Brain

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fuck you in a tie (heavy curses abound)!

[angry post]

This is to all the ignorant asses out there that think a woman wearing a tie has to 'mean' something.

Fuck you once. Fuck you twice.

I don't know which one says 'fuck you!' more, so pick the one that pisses you off the most.

Even Mrs OCD. "But what does it 'mean'?"

How about it means I like wearing ties because it's a neat and distinguished look that not just guys should have.

And fuck you for assuming that I'm "a dike" and DOUBLE-FUCK YOU for thinking being gay is a bad thing and thinking all lesbians are "bulldikes" and fuck you for being anti-bulldikes. Just fuck you up a wall with a chainsaw. Suck on that, Mr. Anger Management.

You cannot assume something about a person because of something they are wearing, be it *anything*. Goths do not necessarily drown babies and spill goats blood, people in Metallica t-shirts are not necessarily angry people that want to 'Kill Em All', people from Wisconsin do not necessarily like cheese, and women in ties do not necessarily have penis envy.

How about while you're staring at me and thinking I like to have sex with women I'm staring at your nose and thinking you *LOVE* to drink yourself in to a stupor every night. Because I ain't got a sticker on my shirt that says 'I like eating bush' but you sure got a sign on your fucking nose saying 'I'm an alchy, world!'

Stop assuming. Talk to people. Learn about them. Stop being such fuck-cunts.

[/angry post]


At November 22, 2008 at 1:31:00 PM PST, Blogger Barb said...

you are so fucking awesome in that picture... and your uh, amazing use of language...

At November 22, 2008 at 1:37:00 PM PST, Blogger Rebecca Galardo said...

Heh, I am teh awe-zome. XD

Ahhh, yes. The angry me. Really any post that admonishes people for being anti-bulldyke and slips 'fuck-cunts' in...

Well, at least I had fun.


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