a sad, sad world
What is it about money that makes people think that when they have a lot of it they're better than those without? Because they can afford to buy expensive things and because of those expensive things, shiney-on-the-outside-but-empty-on-the-inside people begin to pay attention to them? They become friends that are more expensive than the most priceless work of art because they take not green papers, not gold or diamonds but things that are beyond value. Like breath or the sense to enjoy it.
They take first your personality. They make you a carbon copy of something as nasty as cigarette smoke and old, blanched paper and a grey sky that enver ends.
Then they block off your heart from the rest of your body. With it locked away they take the capacity to feel emotions such as love, anger, humility.
Without your heart and personality you have no foundation on which to rest morals and ethics, so you have no opinions other than the ones they feed you.
With all this done they have stolen your soul and therefore your connection to other human beings.
So go ahead with your yachts and your Maseratis and your tiny dogs with crystal collars and the constant vague question that you might throw out there about why you must have it all. But then again, *they* have everything and you are one of *them* so you must have it all as well.
Go ahead with all the money in the world. Your condescension towards me is ironic, for what you see as substance I see as an empty cave for an empty shell to rattle around in until it's time to crack, produce nothing and feed the Earth your brittle remains so that it may make beautiful things from a life so void of such.