Unbleached and All Purpose

Extraneous-Thought Colander from the Hedonistic Existentialist with the Cotton Candy Brain

Thursday, January 06, 2005

geoff shakes it like a Polaroid picture

So now I have to start taking the bus. That is unless I buy a moped this Friday. I hope I do, bacause you just know I can't wait to have absolutely nothing between me and the open road, me and those wonderful, thoughtful, careful Florida drivers. I can't wait to get on my 49CC bike and strap an inch-thick plastic guard around my noggin and put my life in the hands of others more so than when I ride in a car.

I was taught no money skills and that I would have to wait to learn to drive. So I'm a spaz at both and am learning the hard way which is probably best. With money, not driving. Ha.

I got my license at, what? 20? No, I think it was 21. And now I am working while my guy goes to school, so even if I had the mad money skilz, I couldn't pay for insurance. No bling for me.

A moped it is then. And let me just say, it was good knowing you all. I am going to die.

And when you capitalize a letter you say "capitalize". So why did she tell me to 'graduate' the N? Arg.


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